You once said something about it being “1% talent and 99% hard work”, how does that fit into your vision for Prestige?
That’s more of a sort of general comment, of course there are a lot of quotes that are not 100% the way they are said, but hard work does play a big part in a prospect or someone with potential becoming a proper fighter. I see a lot of talent being wasted simply because of people not being capable of committing or not having the chance to commit, some people are fairly disadvantaged, those who have to take care of other things in their lives, maybe they have the heart for it and everything, it’s just that circumstances don’t allow them but hard work definitely plays a massive role. Apart from being talented, you need to provide a decent amount of effort so that you can also appreciate what you achieve. There are a lot of people who are talented and they start doing a certain sport, and this is unrelated to any particular sport, this is a general story, and they achieve easily results at a lower level because they’re talented and because they haven’t put enough effort in, and in a way they disrespect themselves and they give up on it. Those people usually change what they do quite often, they don’t really commit to one thing and really achieve high results and fulfill themselves – and so they end up wondering, all their life, not knowing what they could have been, what they could have done. Talent, once combined with hard work…the sky is the limit. Now what is hard work? Anyone can ask, what is hard work. Hard work is something that actually makes you mentally change perspective about yourself and what you can do and makes you realize that you can push yourself to the next level, in your body and in your mind. Hard work for you might not be hard work for me, might not be hard work for someone else. It’s about discovering yourself – trying to push yourself, break the limits, go beyond the boundaries. Exploring your own potential through hard work.